Why a Mobile Exhibit Experience Could Be Perfect for Your Product Demos

Attending trade shows is a great way to boost your brand visibility, network with peers, and gain new leads. But if your company’s products benefit from being demonstrated, bringing them right to your potential customers could be the perfect way to market them.

A mobile exhibit makes that easy. Learn why it may be the right option for demoing your products.

A Powerful Branded Tool That Travels with You!

Mobile environments take the concept of portability and ramp it up to the next level. With a portable exhibit, you’re no longer confined to an exhibit hall or trade show. Instead, you can demo your products anywhere, any time. You don’t have to wait until the next industry event to showcase them—you’ll set your own schedule!

Take Your Message Right to Your Audience

At every trade show you attend, you have the chance to get your message in front of your target audience. And for many companies, attending shows is the best way to deliver that message. But for some companies and certain industries, there are only a handful of shows each year that boast the attendee demographic they need. And in every case, attracting the right people at an event—among your competition and all the people on a trade show floor—can be a challenge.

In both cases, a mobile exhibit demo space can provide the solution. A mobile setup means you can take a brand activation to your audience instead of waiting for the next show. And you can pick and choose who you want to demo to, instead of taking your best shot with whomever swings by your trade show exhibit at an event.

Tailor Your Message to a More Specific Demographic

At a trade show, you’ll interact with all kinds of people, in a range of different occupations—and your demonstration needs to be relevant to all of them. A mobile experience can visit any individual or company, which means you can tailor your demo much more precisely. With a little prior research, you can create highly specific demos that really tap into what your audience is looking for.

Fully Engage Your Audience

During a trade show product demonstration, you have the chance to show your audience what your products can do. A well-crafted demo can be incredibly successful. If you do it well, you’ll have plenty of new leads with whom to follow up after the show. But how much of an opportunity do you get to truly engage your audience? The bigger your audience is, the harder it is to fully engage every individual.

The special advantages of a mobile exhibit demo can help you mitigate this problem in two important ways:

  1. Allowing you to tailor your message to your audience more specifically
  2. Allowing you to engage with a smaller, more motivated audience

This is because a mobile exhibit demo brings your products directly to clients, whether they’re existing or potential ones. This means you’re demoing to people who have agreed to meet with you for this express purpose. Of course they’re more engaged and more motivated! You’re there by appointment, and your audience is ready and willing to listen and learn—without the noise and distraction of a trade show.

Brand the Experience Inside and Out

The interior of an exhibit on the trade show floor is important, but the outside does important work too. Signage and screens draw attendees in. You still have that opportunity with a mobile experience because the entire exterior can be branded however you like. Your company’s name is an obvious choice, but there are lots of other options, including a saying or slogan, images of the product you’re demoing, and engaging colors.

Customized Mobile Exhibit Experiences Come in All Sizes

The ultimate mobile exhibit demo space—a customized vehicle—means you can truly go on the road with your product demos. In a custom vehicle, you have the option to tour your county; state; or even go cross-country, taking your products to the whole nation. In a mobile environment of this size, you have a private branded room that you can take anywhere your audience is, performing full or partial demos for a single person or a group of people. A vehicle with top-notch exhibit design can be amazingly roomy.

There are several options within this category:

  • Smaller mobile exhibit setups may feature a van or RV, remodelled to create a demo space. Each setup has its own benefits: Setting up a van for this purpose is generally more affordable, and a van can fit into spaces and places an RV won’t. On the other hand, an RV is much roomier. With its extra height, it provides interior space that allows for more privacy.
  • The largest mobile vehicle option is an expandable trailer, typically hauled by a semi-truck. This setup provides as much exhibition space as you could ever want, as the trailer can be expanded when the vehicle is parked. With the amount of space available in this kind of custom exhibit, there’s plenty of room for demos. And you have the option of customizing the interior to provide private discussion space—like an executive briefing center—too. There’s also plenty of room to go high-tech with your setup, if you wish.

cisco mobile exhibit on trade show floor

What Are the Tech Capabilities of a Mobile Demo Exhibit?

It’s easy to imagine that with a mobile exhibit, your ability to use tech to showcase your products might be limited. That’s not the case at all. The portability of your exhibit doesn’t have to limit your tech options. The very nature of exhibit tech means you can easily start to incorporate tech into your demos and add or upgrade components as you please.

Some options for mobile exhibit tech include:

  • Touchscreens – You don’t need large pedestal or wall-mounted screens to provide an interesting touchscreen experience—a simple tablet can do the job.
  • Media presentations – A slideshow or other media presentation can be a great way to augment your demo session by providing extra information or showcasing other products.
  • Augmented/virtual reality – With augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) tech, the sky is the limit in terms of what you can show your customers, and the size of your exhibit is no limit at all. You might have a small portable demo space, but AR and VR can allow them to see whatever you need to show them, no matter how large it might be.

Take Your Demo on the Road!

Mobile exhibits offer some great advantages when it comes to product demos. It can hold its own on the exhibit floor with the added bonus that you can travel with it too. With a mobile exhibit demo, you can take your show all over the country and reach your audience wherever they are.

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